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Reduce Non-Revenue Water

Our dedicated software platform coaches you along your Non-Revenue Water reduction journey.

This toolkit helps you define and take the most appropriate actions to reach your NRW reduction targets. Each step includes a combination of software module, high-quality hardware and customised services.

We can also work with your existing installed hardware.

1.1 DMA creation module​ copy.png
1.2 Network monitoring module copy.png
Bulk meters copy.png
GPRS logger copy.png
1.3 NRW dashboard module copy.png


Monitor & report water losses

1.1 DMA creation module

a) GIS update: a field collection software with map visualisation you can use to update the data in your GIS and billing software

b) DMA sectorisation: experts provide consultancy to sectorise your water network into District Metered Areas (DMA) and run hydraulic models when required

1.2 Network monitoring module

a) Network monitoring module: software monitors flow & pressure from different points of the network and sends alerts in case of abnormal behavior

b) Bulk meters: you install ultrasonic bulk meters up to DN200 (with our assistance) at the inlet/outlet of the DMAs to record low and high flow-rates with optimum accuracy

c) GPRS loggers: bulk meters connect to GPRS loggers to record and transmit flow & pressure data to the network monitoring module

1.3 NRW dashboard module

Our software facilitates the collection of data and calculation of physical and commercial loss indicators to produce customisable reports for your management and regulatory authorities. This includes the NRW allocation table as per the International Water Association's (IWA) methodology.


Physical losses

2.1 Leak finder module

Satellite image analysis pre-localises visible and invisible leaks in a large area within a few days and with the highest hit rate.

2.2 Acoustic leak detection

Acoustic leak detection equipment, provided with training, allows your team to precisely locate the leaks in the field

2.3 Leak management module

Collaborative software manages all field activities from leak detection to repair to ensure all leaks are actively attended

2.4 Pressure management module

A solution of dynamic pressure management continuously optimises the water pressure and protect the assets from excessive pressure

3.1 Commercial loss manager module​ copy.png
Smart us resid copy.png
Smart us large copy.png


Commercial losses

3.1 Commercial loss manager module

A software analyses the data from the billing database to detect metering inaccuracies and abnormal readings.

3.2 Smart and accurate billing meters

Ultrasonic water meters provide high accuracy, long lifetime and large flow range capabilities. Their metrology is not influenced by particles in the water and don't measure the air during intermittent supply.
They transmit meter reads and alerts by radio either using a fixed radio network (LoRaWAN) or a drive-by system (wireless M-Bus).


Technical assistance

CityTaps team of technical experts provide assistance both in the design phase of your NRW program and throughout the implementation phase.

We train your local teams to improve their skills and achieve autonomy in the use of the newly deployed technologies for a successful digital transformation.

Alternatively, our teams can take charge of operational services (eg. meter installation, leak confirmation, etc.) allowing your teams to focus on their core business of water production, distribution and customer relations.


Need an offer or some help?

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