Our impact
people served
m3 of supplied water
Our mission is "running water in every urban home".
To maximize our outcome, we support water utilities to achieve their full potential impact on people and the environment, especially in fast growing cities of developing countries.

The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program tracks SDG 6.1 with the ‘proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services’.
1 billion
people living in urban areas cannot access safely managed drinking water from their local utility.
They pay a triple tax on poverty in time (to fetch water from wells or public standpipes), money (alternative sources of water are more expensive than regulated water tariffs), and health (water stored in tanks or buckets can easily get contaminated).
Our Pay-As-You-Consume solution helps connect or reconnect people at the bottom of the pyramid to their utility by adapting their payment method to their revenue stream.
Utilities with improved cash collection performance are more creditworthy and can obtain commercial financing to expand their network and serve growing populations.
Limit the environmental impact
Reducing physical water losses positively impacts the environment by decreasing:
the volume of water extracted from underground aquifers or local rivers;
the energy consumed while pumping this water into the network, reducing carbon footprint whenever fossil energy sources are used;
the weight and volume of chemical inputs (chlorine or alumina salts) used to treat water.
It also increases the water available for consumption and so eliminates or delays the need to build additional water treatment plants.